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Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Making Your Blog Stand Out And Look Professional

Hi Guys..., Now i want to share about how to make ou blog more dynimic and interesting... okay, just check it out!!!!

If you are attempting to create a successful blog for personal or business reasons, you should know that looks do count. Many bloggers make the mistake of thinking that looks are not as important as content, since readers are essentially reading your blog for the words, not the way it looks. This is true to some degree. The fact is however that people will not take your words seriously if your blog looks less than attractive. To have a successful blog you have to have it all. You must have interesting content as well as a great look. If you want to update the look of your blog, consider these areas of importance.

Easy To Scan

The way your blog reads on a page is an extremely important part of your blog's look. You should always remember to keep your blog posts short and to the point. If you are treating your blog as a personal diary, your posts may be a little longer than normal. But, if you are trying to get more traffic to your blog, then you really want to focus the attention with short posts that offer the main point easily. Most blog readers will only scan your posts, not read them word for word. So keep this in mind when you are writing. The shorter the post, the more likely they are to read the entire thing. If your blog is easy to scan because the posts are short and the breaks are clear, you will have a great looking blog.

Professional Edge

When designing or redesigning your blog, try to make it as professional looking as possible. Even if the blog is not for a business, the more professional it looks, the more seriously people will take it. Not everyone knows a lot about programming, so you may need to research a bit. If you have the extra funds, you might even want to get a professional to program it for you. No matter what you have to do, just keep a level of professionalism in your mind throughout the designing process.

Friendly Colors

Most people don't think twice about what colors they choose for their blog. The facts are that some colors come across better on the web than others. Blue and black are easy to see, so they are always great choices to use. Sea-green, beige, or purple are also great soothing colors to use for a blog. You should stay away from using colors like pink, yellow, or any neon varieties. They are extremely hard on the eyes when reading them online and can deter people from reading your blog. Keep these color tips in mind when you design your blog to get the best results available.

Appropriate Graphics

It has been noted that the use of pictures on your blog is a great way to boost traffic. Blogs that offer pictures that correlate with their content are fantastic. Readers love to connect with the content further through pictures. With most blogging software offering ways to easily add pictures, it should not be a problem for most publishers to add them right into the blog. If you do have trouble, consider checking the "help" area in your blogging software for more information. The information there should provide you with step by step instructions to help you get on your way.

Successful Layout

Most people who design blogs and websites will tell you that the layout does matter as well. The way a blog looks to the reader in important in terms of layout. The layout should be clear and defined. If the reader is confused by the layout, they will likely not stick around to explore. They will most likely go right on to the next blog available. If you are letting a professional design your blog, you will likely not need to worry much about the layout. However, if you are doing it yourself, take a look at other successful sites to get ideas about what works and what doesn't. Look at your site like a reader would to get the best advice you can. Lastly, simply test different layouts on your friends and family to see which ones they find the most suitable for your blog.

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Membuat Laptop adapter/charger dari tegangan 12v menjadi 19v untuk mobil

Pengguna Laptop ketika mereka berada di luar dari rumah atau traveling menyadari bahwa mereka akan membutuhkan listrik untukpengisian baterai. Pematik Rokok dalam mobil dengan daya 12 V. bisa diakumulasikan dan menghasilkan tegangan 19V. nominal prestasi diatur oleh + - 0.5V. Ambit tegangan dari 9.2V ke 15V dan pencapaian tegangan menunjukkan penyesuaian diterima sama dengan fluktuasi yangcukup dari tegangan . Mendapatkan akumulasi terus menerus dengan kunjungan 5A hingga 10A .

Kemampuan dimensi Semikonduktor heatsink ini meningkat hingga menjadi adaptor yang dapat menjadi power suplay adaptor di dalam mobil.

Berikut daftar part dan schema psu adapter (gambar terpisah)


R1 = 5k6

R2 = 51K (51k1)

R3 = 9k1 (9k1)

R4 = 1M

R5 = 4k7

R6, R8 = 15k

R7 = 27k

R9, R10 = 6,8

R11 = 10k

R12 = 100

P1 = 5k preset


C1-C4 = 3300µF 16V, radial, low ESR, diam. 12.5 mm, e.g. Panasonic EEUFC1C332 (Farnell)

C5,C10 = 1µF MKT, advance angle 5mm or 7.5mm (larger adaptation preferred)

C12 = 1µF MKT, advance angle 5 mm

C6-C9 = 2200µF 25V radial, low ESR, diam. 12.5mm, e.g., EEUFC1E222 (Farnell)

C11 = 22nF, advance angle 5mm

C13 = 2nF2, advance angle 5mm

C14,C15 = 100nF ceramic, advance angle 5mm

C16 = 10µF 63V radial


L1 = 56µH, 21 turns 10 x 0.5 mm ECW, parallel

1 x ETD 29 braid forner, vertical mounting, Epcos B66359X1014T1 (Schuricht # 331622)

2 x ETD 29 clamp, Epcos B66359-A2000 (Schuricht # 333862)

2 x ETD 29 amount half, actual # N67, air gap 0.5mm, Epcos B66358-G500-X167 (Schuricht # 333840)


D1 = MBR1645 (International Rectifier) (e.g. Reichelt, Segor)

T1 = IRL2505 (International Rectifier) TO-220AB case, (e.g., RS Components)

T2 = BD139

T3 = BD140

IC1 = UC3843N (Texas Instruments) (e.g. Reichelt, Segor)


K1-K4 = 2-way burrow terminal, vertical, PCB mount

F1 = fuse, 10A/T (slow) 6.3 x 32 mm (¼ x 1¼ inch) + 2 agglutinate holders for 6.3 mm bore and PCB mounting

2 x heatsink blazon SK104-STC (or STS) TO220 38.1mm, 11K/W (Fischer Electronic) Isolating washers for T1 and D1 (TO-220AB) + isolating bushes

Panduan Umum Pemeliharaan Laptop

Hindari penempatan Laptop didalam tas yang berdesak2kan,tekanan yang terjadi terus

menerus dapat membuat LCD/LED casis tidak presisi yang berakibatkan kebocoran pada

tube(penyebab garis,blank putih,bahkan mati)

Bersihkan keyboard secara berkala dengan menggunakan kuas atau vacum cleaner.

Jangan tinggalkan Laptop di ruangan yg bertemprature panas.(meninggalkan di mobil saat

parkir,dekat jendela yg terkena matahari dll)

Tempatkan laptop di tempat yang mudah terlihat,agar tidak terinjak atau tertendang.

Jangan biarkan baterai jika tidak digunakan untuk jangka waktu yang lama. jangan

menggunakan listrik AC terus menerus, gunakan baterai secara teratur untuk tetap dalam

kondisi baik. Matikan adaptor AC Anda ketika laptop tidak digunakan. Hal ini untuk

mencegah pengisian yang berlebihan.

Untuk memperpanjang masa pakai baterai, dapat mencoba mengurangi kecerahan LCD saat

menggunakan notebook . aktifkan `standby mode 'dan` Hibernation "power saving mode, juga

untuk perawatan baterai , mengnonaktifkan Wi-Fi ketika tidak digunakan.

Jika tidak menggunakan laptop untuk waktu yang lama-seminggu atau lebih lama,lepas

baterai dari laptop, tetapi hanya setelah power baterai dikosongkan.

Tidak makan dan minum di dekat atau sekitar laptop . Sedikit pun air dapat menyebabkan

arus pendek/short. beberapa sirkuit laptop sangat sensitif.

Jangan mematikan/shootdown dengan menekan/menahan tombol power sampai mati. Meskipun

cepat, metode ini berbahaya bagi laptop dan dapat menyebabkan kehilangan data. Sebuah

hard reboot seharusnya hanya digunakan sebagai pilihan terakhir. Kadang-kadang ini tidak

bisa dihindari, misalnya, ketika Windows hang. Tapi ini tidak harus menjadi latihan

kebiasaan teratur.

Hindari laptop dari benturan dan guncangan. Hal ini akan membantu menghindari kerusakan

pada hard drive . Sebaiknya, matikan notebook sebelum pindah dari satu tempat ke tempat


Hindari laptop dari sinar ultra violet pada saat security scan di bandara.karena sinar

ultra violet dapat menghapus data pada bios epromer(pengaturan hardware system),yg

menyebabkan laptop tidak dapat tampil.(led nyala tapi ga tampil:seperti gejala VGA rusak)

netbook komputer adalah jenis laptop yang paling sering rusak pada data biosnya.

Hilangkan kebiasaan menggunakan external hard drive/dvd/flash disk dan memutarnya langsung seperti

vidio,music dll tanpa memindahkan datanya ke netbook juga salah satu penyebab bios atau

bahkan i.o chip bermasalah.

Peripheral eksternal dan aksesoris seperti drive optik eksternal, kartu PC dan keyboard

USB menarik listrik dari notebook. Putuskan perangkat tersebut jika tidak digunakan.

Boot notebook jika tidak terhubung ke sumber listrik menghabiskan banyak daya dari baterai.

Jika Anda baru saja menutup laptop Anda,standby mode. berikan 30 detik sebelum Anda

memulainya lagi. Hal ini memastikan bahwa hard drive telah berputar ke bawah, dan tidak

langsung memulai kerjaan atau mematikan.

Jangan memakai laptop di atas kain atau kasur karena sirkulasi udara di bawah tidak

lancar/tertutup,panas yang berlebihan akibat tidak lancarnya sirkulasi udara dapat

melemahkan sirkuit laptop.terutama pada VGA chip

Jangan tekan sangat keras keyboard laptop karena, jika rusak biasanya harus di ganti.

dianjurkan saat bermain game menggunakan keyboard eksternal.

Awasi pemakaian bagi anak anak di bawah umur.

By : Dkhaz Jogja

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Cara Mengatasi Komputer/PC Restart Sendiri Ketika di Shutdown

Apakah anda pernah jengkel pada komputer yang anda miliki lantaran di shutdown, tapi dia malah merestart lagi? Oke kali ini saya akan berbagi ilmu dan trik dalam mengatasi hal tersebut. langsung ja ya...

1. Pada Windows XP

  • Klik kanan [My computer] kemudian pilih [properties].
  • Pada tab Advanced, klik [setting] pada startup and recovery.
  • Pada system failure, hilangkan tanda centang pada "automatically restart"

2. Pada Windows 7

* Klik My computer, pilih properties.
Klik Advanced System Setting.

* Klik Setting pada jendela/form yang telah muncul.

* Pada system failure, hilangkan tanda centang pada "automatically restart"

* klik OK

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011


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